Worst Beard Designs You’ve Even Seen
For some men growing a full beard is hard, for others not so much. A beard can be another way to show off your personality and is something for men to style as they please. However from the picture these men have chosen some lets be honest, bizarre designs. Who even told them that it was a good idea? Was they done for a joke? Either way it is all just a bit of fun, as long as they are happy well done to them for not taking themselves too seriously.
1.This one is giving us wolverine vibes.

2.This is one way to catch everyone’s attention on the pitch… or maybe it was to put off his opponents.

3. We are loving both these designs. First of a simple question mark, as in why would you do that to your beard? And the second has got to be the superman symbol. Props to him for getting it so neat.

4.Another super hero inspired beard. This one isn’t going to be helpful in keeping your identity under wraps!

5.There is patchy half grown beards, then there is this, patchy on purpose beard. Although for what purpose we do not know.

6.Not sure whether to be impressed of creeped out.This man looks to have two moustaches on his face!

You’ve just read, Worst Beard Designs You’ve Even Seen. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.