Woman Is Shocked to Discover She’s Been Wearing Earrings Wrong Her Whole Life
19-year-old Chelsea Smith just had a realisation about disc-shaped plastic earring backs and it’s rocking people’s worlds.
As BuzzFeed reports, Chelsea Smith claims you aren’t actually supposed to wear the earrings with the plastic still on the earring backs. They are simply there to keep the earrings in place while they sit on the cardboard whilst displayed at the store.
The tweet reads:
After my nineteen years of living I have now realized that you are supposed to take the plastic part off!

This idea in itself has sparked a huge debate. Many can’t believe that they have also lived their whole lives without knowing this simple fact.
Some think she’s just plain wrong for scientific reasons or for more practical reasons.

Whatever you may believe, the common theme seems to be that people just didn’t know there IS an option regarding plastic backers. Just push those suckers off if they insist on peeking out from behind your earlobe.
Big thanks to Chelsea for her insight. Was you aware of this fact?
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