Wife Refuses To Open The Door At Midnight

Wife Refuses To Open The Door At Midnight

Wife Refuses To Open The Door At Midnight …What Husband Says Next Is Priceless

Husband: Knocks the door at midnight.

Wife: Go back to where ever you came from!

Husband: Open the door or I throw myself in the swimming pool!

Wife: Go ahead, do you think I care?

So the husband stands near the dark part of the gate and waits for 2 minutes, takes a big stone and throws it into the swimming pool.


Wife hears and opens the door and runs towards the swimming pool.

The husband quickly sneaks into the house then locks the door.

Wife: Open the door or I will shout!!

Husband: Shout till all the neighbours wakes up and comes here. Tell them where you are coming from by this time of the night with only a bra and panties on!

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