Which Dog Breed Makes Most Compatible Pet According to Your Zodiac Sign
According to Zodiac experts each sign has a dog that was destined for them and matches their particular personality quirks. Keep reading to find out which dog is right for your sign, and happy adopting!
Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) — Siberian Husky
This handsome albeit at times difficult breed is the perfect match to an Aquarius. Siberian Huskies are independent creatures that love to be outdoors and with their tribe. And just like Aquarius, they are intelligent and need frequent stimulation and new challenges to avoid boredom else they can get restless and destructive. This noble breed will stick with the Aquarius through their more sullen periods, always providing comfort and humour.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s are sensitive and loving creatures that make a perfect match for a Pisces. Despite being friendly, a Pisces still enjoys spending quality time alone, just like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The Spaniel is a sensitive breed, only favouring a select group of people. It also makes a perfect companion because it’s willing to go anywhere. So, if a Pisces wants some alone time away from other people, this dog will be right by their side, giving them all the love they could want.

Aries (March 21-April 19) — Labrador Retriever
Aries people know how to get stuff done. They are the epitome of “work hard, play hard,” and they need a dog that can do it all. So what more can you say other than …. Labrador. This highly intelligent and hard-working breed is determined to accomplish tasks, but they are also playful and kind of a goof. Aries are said to be passionate about their family, so it’s no wonder that they would be matched with a dog that’s known as the perfect family dog.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) — German Shepherd
Taurus is the salt of the earth. Loyal, thoughtful, and utterly devoted therefore they need a dog that can be equal parts protector, friend, and family. A German Shepherd would make a great partner to a Taurus, due to their intelligence and willingness to stick by your side through thick and thin. German Shephards are a natural guard dog, so expect this dog to be with you as you work and give you all the love you could ask for. Both Taurus and German Shepherds are reliable creatures.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) — American Pit Bull Terrier
Being the sign of the twins, Gemini needs a dog that can play to both their fun and serious side. Don’t be discouraged by the bad reputation surrounding Pit Bulls, because these sweet and cuddly dogs can make great companions for Geminis. Speaking to the serious part of the Gemini, Pit Bulls are known for being strong protectors for their family and are incredibly intelligent and willing to be trained. Since Geminis often change their mind, they need a dog that can be their rock through those changes.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Old English Sheepdog
The Old English Sheepdog is a perfect match for the Cancer sign which is best known for being compassionate and tender-hearted. These dogs are often depicted as a babysitter type dog, always by a child’s side no matter what. Old English Sheepdogs are sweet, caring, empathetic, and playful. Cancers are known to want to help others and are very sensitive, so having such a loving and thoughtful dog will be like a comfort blanket and a companion that Cancers so desperately need.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 21) — Border Collie
Leos are not known to be lazy and relaxed so this energetic, spunky sign likes to move fast, is competitive, and is filled with passion. For this zodiac sign a Border Collie is the only dog that could keep up. This dog is energetic, social, and fiery, needing a lot of exercise. They make great outdoor dogs, considering how fiercely they protect and herd cattle, Border Collies are task-oriented and like to be challenged. Just like a Leo, they want accomplish their goals so they can relax at the end of the day. If a Leo is looking for an engaged and affectionate dog, look no further than a Border Collie.

Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 22) — Dachshund
Virgos are the ultimate problem solvers. Puzzles, difficult-to-work-around schedules, and tasks are no match for the Virgo. As such, the Dachshund is great at figuring out tasks, and never one to give up, they are devoted to their owners, therefore these dogs feed into the Virgo’s desire to keep their life organized. Dachshunds can be a little stubborn at first, so Virgos will appreciate the task of training them and will be overwhelmed by their affection once their bond is formed.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Bernese Mountain Dog
Libras like to keep things in order and harmonious. Their desire for things to be balanced in life means they need a dog who is equally good-natured and even-keeled. The Bernese Mountain Dog is not just cuddly to look at, they are caring and sweet, and this perfect family dog is as gentle as they come. They’re also great winter dogs therefore are made to be outdoors which feeds into the Libra’s desire to be outdoors.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Rhodesian Ridgeback
Scorpios are not to be messed with. Loyal, stubborn, compassionate, and loving, a Scorpio needs a dog that can match them in all of these traits.Maybe not the most well know breed of do, but say hello to the Rhodesian Ridgeback. These strong-willed dogs have a mischievous streak, but they’re also hyper loyal, dignified, and intelligent. These dogs will be your best friend forever, working well with Scorpio’s softer, loving side.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 22) — French Bulldog
Sagittarius is so easy-going. Their pleasant and flexible personality means they need a dog that can also pick up and leave on a moment’s notice. French Bulldogs with their perked-up ears and cute scrunchy faces are great for this adventurous sign. They are keen and sociable dogs, making them perfect for trips out, shopping, and travelling.

Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 20) — Poodle
Capricorns are known to be distinguished, clever, stubborn, and intelligent, so of course their dog of choice should be the same. Poodles are easily one of the smartest breeds out there. They are perfect to be trained, as long as you get past the stubbornness. They are a great family dog and faithful to this zodiac sign’s needs. They are always willing to stick by their side, even if the Capricorn is being a bit moody.

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