When this is over:Let’s remember that it wasn’t the CEO’s and billionaires who saved us.
It was the nurses, janitors, doctors, truck drivers, grocery and food workers.
These past few months have really showed us who and what to be grateful for. We have really got to see who is there in those hours of need. But it isn’t who we usually praise and admire. It’s the everyday people who go by unnoticed each and every day. But now they are the glue that is holding us all together while the world is falling apart. When this is over we should remember all that they have done for us. They deserve their weight in gold and more. Very much unpaid and under appreciated normally.
They are called unskilled usually because they ‘clean’ or ‘drive a truck’ now they are our essential key workers. Many people will come out of this and go back to ‘normal’ but I hope the majority remember the sacrificies these people made, putting their health on the line to do their job. They deserve paying more than any celebrity, that let’s face it, has been sat in their mansions not helping at all. So from the bottom on my heart, thank you to all the doctors, nurses, porters, janitors, truck drivers, grocery and food drivers.
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