‘When I have kids they will never….’ Spoler alert: They will… oh, they will!
You hear this time and time again as you get older. I am happy to admit I said this pre-kids. When I was young and stupid and had no idea what I was talking about. Before kids you picture this amazing scene where it’s all sunshine and rainbows. You are always laughing with the children, and they are so polite and happy. Then reality hits and you realise you was so naive! Of course it’s amazing. But trust me until you have a child you can’t see ‘oh they will never’ because they are born to test you and push you to your limits.
It’s nice to have a plan on what you hope to achieve. But don’t be dishearted when they have a dummy, eat dirt and watch ipads all day. We’ve all been there and there is no judgement from me, that’s for sure! I do have a little chuckle to myself when I hear these words said. Often said in disgust when they see a child doing something they swear they wont allow theirs do. Just let them be because we all have our ways of parenting, and just surviving. It’s all
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