When ‘Adult Things’ Take a Hilarious Turn

When ‘Adult Things’ Take a Hilarious Turn

When ‘Adult Things’ Take a Hilarious Turn …This Is Brilliant

Yesterday I received a friend request from a young attractive guy, about 21-23 years old:

I was curious. I wanted to know why someone that young wanted to be my FB friend.

So I accepted it. Then he started sending me private messages.

He called me beautiful. He asked my age.

I’m not a liar so I told him and reminded him I’m quite a bit his senior.

And I let him talk a bit cuz (truth be told) flattery ain’t all bad.

We kept chatting for a while and within a short time, he asked if we could talk about ‘adult things’.

I said ok.

Then He said ‘thank you, babe, you start.”

So I did! I told him adult things like I have arthritis and my knees and how it hurts badly.

My back acts up when it is cold outside.

I explained that I have crazy insomnia. And I didn’t forget to tell him that I have a pacemaker.

And of course, I told him about the laxatives. Can’t forget that.

I also didn’t forget to tell him that I have good quality dentures

I was as honest as I could be about ‘ADULT THINGS’ but I don’t understand why he blocked me!

You’ve just read, When ‘Adult Things’ Take a Hilarious Turn. Why not read An Old Mans Breakfast Adventure