What Your Sleeping Positions Say About Your Personality
Different sleeping positions may not seem like a big deal, but some people believe the way you sleep reveals your character traits and personality. Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, believes he discovered the personality traits of sleeping positions after analyzing six different sleep positions among 1,000 survey participants. With regards to his research, he stated, “We are all aware of our body language when we are awake but this is the first time we have been able to see what our subconscious posture says about us.”
So continue below and see what your sleeping position reveals about you!
The Log: You’re Social And Easy-Going
If you sleep on your side with your legs and both arms straight down, you’re literally sleeping like a log. Log sleepers are believed to be even-tempered and social butterflies. They can be very trusting and sometimes gullible. If you have minor back pain, assuming the log position might be good as it keeps the spine straight.
The Baby: You’re Strong But Sensitive
Also known as the fetal position, the sleepers who adopt the baby position lie on their side with their knees pulled up to their chest. Fetal sleepers are said to be sensitive with a tough exterior and may be reserved or more introverted.
It’s believed twice as many women sleep in the fetal position as men.
The Soldier: You’re Reserved And Serious
Soldier sleepers lie on their backs with both arms at their sides or on their chest. They tend to set very high standards for both themselves and others, and are often cool and quiet. Their lives can be extremely structured as they take organization seriously. Because soldiers sleep on their back, they may also be more prone to snoring.
The Starfish: You’re Friendly And Loyal
People who sleep on their backs with their arms over their heads are known as starfish sleepers. They are said to make excellent friends, loyal and helpful with very good listening skills. Starfish also tend to stay out of the limelight. Because they lie on their back like a soldier sleeper, starfish can be snorers as well!

The Yearner: You’re Open Yet Cynical
Those who sleep on their sides with their arms stretched out in front of them are known as yearners or reachers. People who adopt this position are open-minded, inviting, and tend to weigh all options carefully before making a decision. However, once they make a decision, they probably won’t regret it or change their minds. Yearners can also be cynical and suspicious but may experience less problems with acid reflux and sleep apnea than other sleepers.
The Thinker: You’re An Emotional Rollercoaster
If you sleep on your side with one hand resting under your chin, you might be a thinker. Thinkers can be tough yet sensitive, with their emotional state always bouncing between the two. They may be adventurous one minute and shy the next. Thinkers are also often vulnerable to emotional hurts and upsets.
The Stargazer: You’re Happy-Go-Lucky
Stargazers are the people who fall asleep on their backs with their arms wrapped above or behind their head, as if gazing at the starry night. They tend to adopt a happy-go-lucky attitude about life and often make their friendships an important priority. Stargazers can be admirers of beauty, comfort, and freedom, but they can be greedy with unrealistic expectations.
The Hugger: You Value Your Relationships
Technically pillow hugging isn’t a sleep position because you can hug a pillow in multiple different positions, but it does give clues to your personality. People who sleep gripping their pillows may highly value their relationships with friends and family. They have a tendency to put others before themselves and run the risk of becoming people-pleasers.
The Freefaller: You’re Playful But Anxious
Sleepers who lie on their stomachs, often found hugging their pillows, are known as freefallers. These sleepers can be free-spirited, confident, and brash. They are often extroverted and excitable, but bad at taking criticism. Sleeping on one’s stomach is not good for your body at all. It stretches the neck muscles and puts pressure on your lower back.
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