Watch Dad Entertaining His Twin Babies.

Watch Dad Entertaining His Twin Babies.

Watch Dad Entertaining His Twin Babies.

Ever wonder what happens when you leave a new dad at home to entertain his twin babies… The cutest possible video gets recorded, that’s what!

In the following clip, whenever this dad begins to dance, his twin babies get in the same groove and start to mimic his every move from the floor. What you won’t expect, though, is each time he stops dancing, both babies halt all movement as well. As soon as he starts dancing again, however, these twins rejoin him with the funniest moves and smiles on their faces.

Source – ursu082000

We all have an embarrassing video that our parents took when we were little. That they love to show around at every given moment. But least be honest. There is just something about babies dancing, kicking their arms and legs around and bobbing their heads to music that is just downright adorable! 

Whats more, it is just so adorable watching a Dad take time to look after the kids. He looks like a great Dad that is always going to be there to look out for his babies.

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