Waitress Slips Note To Husband After Mom Goes To Bathroom

Waitress Slips Note To Husband After Mom Goes To Bathroom

Waitress Slips Note To Husband After Mom Goes To Bathroom To Breastfeed Baby

Jackie Johnson-Smith was enjoying a family dinner at a pizza parlor in Iowa when she experienced an unexpected act of kindness.

She later shared a photo of her dinner bill receipt on Facebook, writing:

“I’ve breastfed three children… in countless places, both pleasant and unpleasant, discreetly and openly. I’ve received many looks and stares, but tonight erased any negativity I’ve ever encountered. I ate at Fongs for the first time tonight. With a fussy baby, I nursed him for a while in the booth and eventually left early so as not to disrupt the restaurant.”

She continued: “The waitress gave this receipt to my husband. I was speechless and emotional. While I don’t seek praise for feeding my child, it was truly heartwarming. It’s incredible how women can empower one another.”

According to KCCI 8 News in Des Moines, the note was written by waitress Bodi Kinney, who shared with the station: “We need to come together and support each other when it comes to nursing our children.”

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