Unbelievable Jobs People Actually Do for a Living
Have you ever wondered what you would do if you ccould have a carer change. Did you end up in your dream job, or did you settle for what pays the bills. Well here are some jobs that despite sounding ridiculously unreal, pay considerably well. And heres the best bit, they all require very little to no skills, and sound like some of the easiest jobs around.
1.Seat Filler at Award Shows
This job is exactly what it sounds like – filling empty seats at big events. Since most of these presidous award show are shown on TV, random empty seats left empty doesn’t look good, so the producers use these “tricks” to make the crowd appear packed. Therefore as soon as a celebrity leaves their seat, for example to go to the rest room, a seat filler is there on stand by to jump in their seat until the person returns. This job doesn’t require any particular skills except patience and endurance, as you may spend all day on your feet.

2.Professional Mourner
Just like the above, your overall role is to help make the ‘event’ look full. Professional mourners are actually more common than you’d realise in Middle Eastern and Chinese cultures, with a history dating back thousands of years. Clients generally request professional mourners to increase numbers at a funeral service when the deceased has few friends and family to attend.
As a professional mourner you are usually asked to meet with the family beforehand to find out about the background of the deceased. It is more of a complex job then you might first expect. You must be well presented, have good social and conversational skills, and be calm under pressure. The key requirement in this job is obviously acting skills and you MUST have a good memory for details, so you can talk confidently and naturally about the deceased. It doesn’t have to be just funerals you attend companies like Rent A Crowd offer more general work boosting numbers at events such as PR stunts or store launches
3.Mattress Tester
This position requires testing anything from mattresses to duvet covers. The individuals that test these products make sure they are comfy and give personal feedback to help companies make decisions about them.
John Lewis, a department store in the UK, has a position called specialist duvet tester whose responsibilities include picking out the best quality bedding by testing it out first. Spending all day in bed hardly needs any encouraging anyway so for this job your lucks in!

4. Chief Listening Officer
While this may sound like a role with MI5 is is actually not that intense. A chief listening officer is actually responsible for ‘listening in’ to conversations on social media about a particular brand or company. You are then required to feed the information back to the relevant organisation, helping it to improve its business strategies and marketing campaigns.
This is a relatively new role that has come on the job market. As social media grows in popularity companies are increasingly looking to take on chief listening officers to gather and analyse the data available. It’s not as easy as it sound you will typically need a degree in communication marketing or similar, along with a strong background in a variety of social media platforms.
If you are a confident swimmer and feel just as comfortable underwater as you do on the surface then, then a career as a professional mermaid performer may be right for you. Basic job requirements include wearing an ornate outfit, performing dances underwater and swimming with other sea creatures (like jellyfish and dolphins) on a daily basis. You are basically becoming a real life Disney character Ariel.

6.Panda Caretaker
If you are an animal lover then this could be your dream job. Pandas are one of the cutest (and funniest) creatures on this planet, so if your dream was ever to hug a Panda, we have a great job opportunity for you!
“Your work has only one mission: spending 365 days with the pandas and sharing in their joys and sorrows,” these are the main job responsibilities stated by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding according to the recruiter.
Surprisingly there are not many skill sets required. Applicants should be at least 22 years old and have some basic knowledge of pandas. They should also have good writing skills and the ability to take pictures, according to the recruiters’ requirements.

Source – Wikijob, Brightside
Photo Credit – Pixabay
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