Tinder Guy Demands His £3.50 Coffee Money Back After Date Goes Horribly Wrong
We’ve all been on our fair share of crappy dates, well, I know I have. The majority of us have the not-so amazing dating apps to thank for the majority of our date disasters. For example, you turn up dressed to the nines and the guy waiting at the end of the bar is 3 foot shorter than he said he was and about 20 years older.
Here’s another nightmare story to add to the collection of horrors. Courtesy of the world renowned app Tinder!
28-year-old Lauren Crouch, from Islington, recently went on a Tinder date she will never forget. She explains on her blog, No Bad Dates Just Good Stories, that the dude declined her suggestion of grabbing an alcoholic beverage and they hit up the Costa across the road instead.
She revealed the foray of ‘normal’ conversation lasted for around 25 minutes before he offered to make dinner for her at his place, whoa bold move. But wait for it, the reason why is probably the best thing you’ll hear all day: he needed to get back home for his Ocado delivery.
And so the term ‘Ocado and chill’ was born. I really hope this catches on.
The tale continues….. Lauren politely turned down the man’s request and they both went on their merry way. Then this happened:

He clearly took the rejection badly. But to ask for the measly sum of £3.50 back is taking it to a whole new low. From the look of these messages Lauren had a lucky escape.
Source – nobaddatesjustgoodstories
Photo Credit – nobaddatesjustgoodstories
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