Times Parents Couldn’t Help But Roast Their Moody Teens
Parenting is easily one of the hardest jobs in the world. Everyone is quick to say that the baby stage is hard with the lack of sleep, but when it comes to parenting a teenager, it’s a whole different game. For anyone that has a teenager then you know that they become moody and want lots of space. Here are some hilarious tweets posted by parents of teenagers.
1.Ouch the burn

2.I wonder how long it took for the teen to realise

3.They are definitely more smelly than toddlers

4.Aren’t teens always starving? They eat you out of house and home.

5.Oh no, this is scary.

6.Wow the embarrassment of being seen out with your parents at that age.

Source – Boredpanda
Photo Credit – SamMcAlister1
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