Times Companies Were Caught Tricking Their Customers 

Times Companies Were Caught Tricking Their Customers 

Times Companies Were Caught Tricking Their Customers 

It’s times like this that size does actually matter! Consumers want value for money, but these companies have found sneaky ways around that and package things to look like it’s a good deal when in fact more often than not your ending up with less product!

1.What was the need for the giant box


2.Very similar looking bottles offering differ volumes of orange juice


3.This mage pack is a rip off when it contains 10 less bin bags


4.Since when did they start shortening toilet paper?!


5.Imagine buying a ‘next-generation textbook’ and it just packaging that lets you know it’s online


6.Both advertised the same family pack but suspiciously smaller packaging with 30g less


Photo Credit –  SmakoSmako/Reddit

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