The Tallest Man In USA, A Growing Baby Is Supposed to Be A Good Thing. At 6 Months She Knew Something Was Wrong.
Born in Ukraine in 1982, Igor Vovkovinskiy was an average size at birth. However, when he started growing, it became a problem, according to a Barcroft TV documentary.
At six-months-old, he was the size of a one-year-old; and at one-year-old, he was the size of a three-year-old. His mother, Svetlana, was troubled.
She brought Igor to various doctors, who diagnosed him with a tumor on his pituitary gland inside of his brain. It was causing his body to release excessive amounts of growth hormone, giving Igor his extraordinary size. This pre-pubescent condition is called acromegalic gigantism.
Shockingly, after the tumor was removed, his body continued to produce growth hormones until he was 20 years old.
Currently he is tallest person living in the United States, at 7 feet 8 1⁄3 inches (234.5 cm) and weighs 380 lbs (172 kg). Unfortunately though being that tall isn’t as fun as it seems.

“Gigantism has effected me that I no longer feel that I fit into any part of society. That’s a feeling that I’ve had ever since I went into middle school and high school.”
“Being tall makes the world very annoying, every structure that i go into is too small, too short. I end up hitting my head on all the exit signs. The world is just a very uncomfortable place for someone my size.”
Little things are a struggle for Igor:
Ie, walking through a doorway, finding the right sized bed, Buying clothes that fit at the department store, Finding a car with a high roof and enough leg space or even finding a decent pair of shoes.
However, despite his troubles Igor has gained recognition over the years. He has appeared on talk shows, commercials, had cameos in movies, and local Minnesota Timberwolves NBA games. In 2012, a major retailer stepped up to help Igor with his “ugly shoe” problem. According to CBS news, Reebok offered to make Igor a pair of custom size 24, 10E shoes.

Igor has had over 18 surgeries the past 6 years and his medical troubles are not conducive to a regular day job. He was studying for a law degree but his studies are currently on hold because of financial issues.
You can usually find Igor “fishing, pc gaming, watching movies, playing games on my PS3, making graphics for fun, making websites, military history, playing with my dog,” as he wrote in a Reddit, “Ask Me Anything” column.
We are glad to say Igor remains optimistic about his future.
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