The Size And Shape Of Your Forehead Can Reveal Interesting Things

The Size And Shape Of Your Forehead Can Reveal Interesting Things

The Size And Shape Of Your Forehead Can Reveal Interesting Things About Your Personality

Type 1: Wide forehead
A wide forehead is the sign of a very intelligent person, with numerous skills. 
These people are able to complete any task they are given and not just on time, but well ahead of schedule. They don’t need many explanations. They have a sixth sense and can feel that something is going to happen much earlier than other people.

Type 2: Narrow forehead
The main qualities of people with narrow forehead are they are very emotional.
The voice they hear is the voice of the heart and they can sometimes forget to use their rational mind. Usually, these people are quite lonely.  They don’t necessarily need to feel desolate, but they don’t like the crowd and avoid being the center of attention.

Type 3: Straight forehead
As you can see in the image, this type of forehead is called straight because the hairline at the tip of the forehead is straight.
Just like a straight line they like to lead simple lives. They are very careful and delicate people. If they give their heart to someone, they are in it for the long haul. However they are people so strict that they would never neglect their own needs and happiness. That makes it hard for them to fall for someone, you really have to deserve it.

Type 4: Curved forehead
These people are full of life and very positive.  They are able to light up an entire room when entering it. These people are true human magnets that attract positive emotions and happy moments. Sometimes they suffer because there are people who envy their positive energy and try to bring them down with negativity and nasty words. 

Type 5: M-shaped forehead
This type of forehead looks like the letter M because the central part of the forehead is slightly prominent, forming two arcs. If this is your type of forehead, you will certainly not be surprised to be described as having a very vivid imagination. These people live with their heads in the clouds and like it that way as if there are so many interesting things that can happen inside your head, why go back to reality? Most of these people have a gift for art and are often actors and actresses, writers, or painters.


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