The Most Confusing Signs Ever ..Number 6 Is Brilliant
These signs just can’t seem to make up their minds on what they are trying to tell us and it’s getting more and more confusing by the minute. Check out some of the most confusing signs that are really out there.
1.Left, right, no right. This sign is making my head turn in circles because I’ve no clue where to go after reading this bizarre sign.

2.We are all for gender equality and being inclusive, but this is a real predicament if you are bursting for the toilet. Which part do you believe, the symbol of the written part?

3.So… which one is it. Do you want it open or shut? Or is that just a ploy and are we just not allowed in at all.

4. This sign is utter garbage and belongs in the trash.

5.I may not be a genius but is that not counter productive… as you can clearly it’s just made more congestion!

6.Isn’t the point of a bottomless pit that it is bottomless. As in they can’t find or see the end. Surely it’s just a really deep hole now that they’ve stated how deep it is.

7.Maybe just avoid parking here to save the headache of trying to work out this sign.

8.A Back door in disguise as a front door, yet the front door is round the back

You’ve just read, The Most Confusing Signs Ever. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.