The Most Amazing ‘Friendly Architecture’ That Proves There Are Still Good People Around
If you want something to brighten your day, then look no further than Friendly Architecture. This subreddit celebrates all of the people-friendly inventions in the world, from wheelchair friendly swimming pools to animal bridges!
1. Wildlife Overpass in Banff National Park, Canada. The 38 overpasses and fencing that have been installed have reduced Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions by more than 80%. Letting humans and wildlife to live safely side by side.

2. Pool with wheel chair access in Egmont Højskolen (“Folk High School”), Western Denmark. Not only is it for the high school’s students but is also open to the public on certain days and has full access so no one is excluded.

3. This Children’s Doctor’s Office has a little door for the children to use. Helping the little patients to feel comfortable from the moment they enter the building.

4. Parent + Child Library in Fairfield Library, Virginia, USA. So that parents can do their research whilst keeping their little ones both occupied and safe.

5. Brilliant covers for bicycle saddles so they don’t get wet when it rains

6.Every subway in Asia is protected with a barrier. Doors only open when the train is at a standstill.

Photo Credit – Reddit / Desire4Gunfire
You’ve just read, The Most Amazing ‘Friendly Architecture’. Why not read Lady Accidentally Farts In A Car Showroom.