The Jar of Life
A professor of philosophy once stood in front of his class with an empty glass jar. With his students watching, he filled the jar with rocks. Then he asked his students if the jar was full.
The response was in unison: “Yes!”
Upon hearing this, the professor then told them they were wrong. He proved it by adding small pebbles to the jar’s contents. He then raised the same question before. “Is the jar full?”
Again, his students answered yes. To him, they confirmed the jar containing rocks and pebbles was full.
To this, the professor gave a similar response to what he said earlier. And to prove his students wrong once again, he added sand into the jar. Once he filled up the jar with sand, he asked his students “the” question: “Is the jar full?”
And again, they answered it was full. But the professor once again informed them they were wrong.
This time, he didn’t take out anything. Instead, he informed them of the point he was making.

He told them the jar was a metaphor for life. And the rocks, pebbles, and sand were also a metaphor for things that fill a person’s life.
The rocks symbolize the most important things in a person’s life. The rocks could be a person’s loved ones and anything they hold dear. He then added these things should be a person’s priority.
Meanwhile, he said, the pebbles and sand also represent things that also fill up your life. And while they mean a lot to you, they carry little weight. Compared to your rocks, they’re replaceable.
Then the professor left with these words of wisdom: “You can pour water into the jar. Any liquid will do. And this represents things that could fill up your life even more. But like the pebbles and sand, they’re replaceable.
However, if you do not get your priorities right and start filling the sand, pebbles and rocks in reverse sequence, then the jar will not have room for the most important things in your life”
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