Test Answers That Are 100% Wrong But 100% Funny
Kids can be hilarious! But nothing is more pure than when they write down their inner though process. Here are some test answers that are seriously wrong, but the way they interpret situations, and their innocence combined make for amazing reading. Check out some of the best below….
1.While I am sure there is no denying that this kid is smart sadly the answer to ‘how do you know?’ is not ‘because I’m smart’. At least they got the other answers spit on, so that is something as confirmation.

2.We appreciate the time that must have go in to drawing out the equations in picture form. However we are totally put off by the suspicious look ‘seals’ drawn on this test paper

3. There is definitely some truth in the fact that an STD would make you S>A>D which is the correct answer in this instant.

4.There could not have been a better answer to this multiple choice question. At least this child knows hitting a dog is wrong, and we applaud them for standing up for what they believe in.

5.Nothing is more hilarious than this confession from Frankie. Like they say honesty is the best policy.

6. The irony is not lost here.

You’ve just read, Test Answers That Are 100%. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.