Teacher Asks Little Johnny To Use The Word Contagious

Teacher Asks Little Johnny To Use The Word Contagious

Teacher Asks Little Johnny To Use The Word Contagious …What He Says Next Is Priceless

Little Johnny goes to school, and the teacher says “I want you to use the word contagious in a sentence,

Does anyone have a sentence ?”

Little Johnny waves his hand madly, but the teacher chooses little Mary.

Little Mary says “My mommy wouldn’t let me go to school when I was sick because she said I was contagious”

The teacher smiles and says “Well done Mary. Anyone else ?”

Little Johnny waves his hand, and the teacher finally calls on him.

Little Johhny says “I was driving past a construction site with my dad the other day, and there was a bloke trying to move 10 tonne of soil by himself….

That’s when my dad said it was going to take that contagious”

You’ve just read, Teacher Asks Little Johnny To Use The Word Contagious. Why not read A Little Boy Was Waiting For His Mom