Surprising Reasons For Hair Loss
We have all been there, your are in the shower having a good wash and when you look down the plug is full with hair. Of course it can be quite a shock as we don’t want to loose too many hairs from our luscious locks. So you may be pleased to know that it is completely normal to lose anywhere between 50 to 100 hairs PER DAY as art of the natural hair growth cycle.
However there may be some contributing factors that you may not have taken into account, that can lead to loosing more hairs than normal. While this is not a full list of reasons relating to hair loss, these are some of the less well known reasons.
It is important to familiarise yourself with these so you can avoid any contributing factors and get the healthiest hair possible. As after all no one wants to go bald before their time.

1.Too much vitamin A
While it is important to have plenty of vitamin A in your diet for health benefits, too much can cause issues for your hair. Eating and taking too much can cause your hair follicles to go into over drive which will cause them to fall out. If this if identified as the issue then you might be told by your doctor to avoid foods rich in Vitamin A such as liver, fish oils, milk, eggs and leafy green vegetables.
2.Scalp skin conditions
This is an all too common factor in excessive hair loss, however most people don’t take this one as serious and don’t take any action until its too late. If you have a skin condition such as fungus, psoriasis or dandruff this can block your hair follicles and make your hair not only fall out, but unable to grow back through properly. At the first sign of any scalp condition (such as dandruff) you need to act swiftly, and get the right treatment or hair product that can fix the issue effectively. If you suffer from psoriasis on your scalp it if worth asking your doctor for the best treatment to prevent it getting worse and causing irreversible issues.
3.Not enough protein
Lack of protein in your over all diet as well as crash diets where you ultimately starve your body of essential nutrients is extremely bad for you. If you are not getting enough protein into your daily diet then your body will start to save the protein for other functions, letting the growth of hair be put into a resting phase. While this may not be a common reason for most people, it is important to note that for adults sufficient amount means 2 to 3 servings of protein a day. So check to see if you are getting the required amount. Protein is found in meat, chicken, fish, eggs, some cheeses, dried beans, tofu, grains, and nuts.
4. Low Iron
If you have an iron deficiency then your skin and hair may not receive as much oxygen from your blood. This can lead to dry and damaged skin and hair. The good news is, if the issue is picked up quickly your hair should grow back once the underlying iron deficiency is treated.
5. Over styling or trending hairstyles.
We all know over use of hot tools on your hair is never a good thing. Both daily and prolonged use of heat can lead to bad hair condition and breakage. Also the tension on your hair pulling through the curlers/straighteners can cause hair to be pulled from the follicle. A popular trend at the moment is slicked back pony tails, tight buns on the top of the head, and braiding. All of these hairstyles put extreme tension on your hair and scalp leading to server hair loss. It is important that you give your hair a break from the heat and the hair-up styles so it can rest and recover from the trauma this styling causes.
6. Poor sleep
We can all see the effects lack of sleep has on our faces, with dull skin, and bags under your eyes. But its the subtle effects of poor quality sleep on our hair the is often forgotten. A good nights sleep is necessary for your body and hair to be in top condition. Your body produces melatonin which puts you in an effective restfulness which helps regulate your sleep, it has also been shown to increase hair growth. If your body decreases in its melatonin levels, it’s possible that this results in hair loss. Similarly sleep deprivation can lead to stress which is one of the main causes of hair loss. So make sure you get good nights rest.
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