Stores That Were Shameless About Their Branding
While some knockoff brands can be a huge hit and offer a bargain price for a similar thing, more often than not it is a total ripoff for a worse version. Nevertheless, what all these knockoffs do have in common are some hilarious names. This could be a clever ploy on their part to gain the customers attention, as these businesses have shamelessly used variations of brands and added a slight twist. We have to say that although we definitely do not condone this, it’s pretty hilarious to see the results!
1.This fast food restaurant has no affiliation with Facebook, yet they’ve clearly taken some inspiration from the company branding.

2.Have you heard of Michaelsoft Binbows, It’s NOT the new and improved Microsoft its

3.Welcome to Starbangs, They’ve even tried to improve on the logo!

4.This restaurant is inclusive for both ‘madam and sir’ you dont just have to be a king to eat like one.

5.Barber King will have you looking like royalty with a refresh new trim!

6.Possibly my favourite… Dolce & Banana

Photo Credit – Hunterkiller040 / Reddit
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