Server Did Something For Grieving Parents That’ll Restore Your Faith In Humanity
Our story begins when Kayla Lane, spotted a familiar couple she hadn’t seen in a while. The couple were Shaun and Debbie Riddle. Kayla remembered that the last time they’d been in, they had their baby daughter with them. On greeting them, Kayla asked the couple how their baby was.
Sadly, Shaun explained to Kayla that their baby, Glory, had passed away about a month prior. At only nine weeks old, Glory died in her sleep during a nap. The cause of her death is still unknown.
Naturally, Kayla was mortified. “I’m like, ‘Oh gosh, I made them remember!’ even though it’s going through their minds all day, every day,” she recalls. Instantly she knew she had to do something. Even just a small gesture to show support for this grieving couple.
When the check arrived, the Riddles were astonished to see this instead of a regular bill.

The bill reads “Your ticket has been paid for. We are terribly sorry for your loss. God bless, The West Side.” Kayla told the Riddles that the cafe had paid for their meal, tip and all but that wasn’t entirely true: Kayla had paid for it out of her own pocket.
The couple was shocked to receive this instead of a bill. However, this isn’t the first time Lane has intercepted a bill and paid for someone’s meal. She’s been known to pay for customers before, specifically military personnel and firefighters. Usually, she prefers to keep things anonymous, asking another server to bring the bill over.
“I didn’t want any recognition. I just simply wanted the satisfaction of being a helping hand in a time of deep sorrow for this family,” Lane says via Facebook. Still, the massive response to this story has made her happy. It also brought Kayla and the Riddles together, and their friendship has since blossomed.
“The downpour of positive words and chain of love that this story has started around the world is more than I could have ever expected and makes my heart so happy. I’m humbled by this experience and thank the Riddles so much for being the wonderful people that they are and now blessing me with their friendship. I am eternally grateful.”
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