Screenshots Of Entitled Brides Making Shocking Demands

Screenshots Of Entitled Brides Making Shocking Demands

Screenshots Of Entitled Brides Making Shocking Demands

1.This girl was asked if she could do a ‘simple favour’ of making 20 table center-pieces a WEEK before the wedding

u/TimmyWananaka /

2.This person was asked to pay for their wedding dinner…. Urm this isn’t a thing?!


3.Last minute cake order gets rude when its politely declined…

Reddit / Adora90

4.This lady shows her Mums interaction with an influencer. Why do they think ‘exposure’ is good enough as a payment for a service

Reddit / PepperBundle

5.This lady was asked to be a bridesmaid purely for the gift!

Reddit / NothappyJane

6.Possibly the wildest thing we’ve ever read from a Bridezilla


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