Recipe For A Happy Marriage …What Husband Says Next Is So True
A newlywed couple moves into their new home.
The husband, trying to impress his wife, tells her, “Honey, I’ll cook us a special dinner tonight!”
He grabs the cookbook and starts flipping through the pages, looking for the perfect recipe.
Suddenly, he exclaims, “Ah-ha! Here it is! The recipe for a happy marriage!”
Intrigued, his wife leans over to see what it says.
The husband starts reading, “First, you need a dash of patience, a pinch of understanding, and a cup of compromise…”
His wife interrupts, “That sounds wonderful, dear! But what’s the cooking time?”
The husband grins and replies, “Oh, it’s a lifelong recipe, my love!”
You’ve just read, Recipe For A Happy Marriage. Why not read Lady Accidentally Farts In A Car Showroom.