Reasons Not To Use Your Smartphone Before Bed

Reasons Not To Use Your Smartphone Before Bed

Reasons Not To Use Your Smartphone Before Bed

Mobile phones are amazing pieces of technology. They allow you to not only make phone calls, text friends, chat online with friends, play games, listen to music, watch videos, and surf the Internet for hours on end, among many many more things! It’s fair to say that some people have a complete addiction. It is hard for some people (especially the younger generation) to put their devices down for 5 minutes.

However, despite the love affair we all have with this savvy piece of tech, not many people are aware how smartphones can actually do more harm than good to your health!

Not only does it serve as a literal distraction for going to sleep. We have all fallen into the rabbit hole of the internet. But the main issue is from cell radiation. And it’s from the blue light that is emitted from your phone which can cause a whole series of issues. 

The blue is a part of the full light spectrum, and the human body is exposed to it daily by the sun. Nighttime exposure to this kind of light – seen on smartphones, laptops, tablets and other LED screens – can lead to vision damage. It can hinder melatonin production, throwing the natural sleep cues the body is supposed to give.


The blue light on your TV or smartphone can affect the production of melatonin, which is necessary to not only fall asleep but also to stay asleep. When you suffer from insomnia, it can lead to an array of health problems:

Cardiovascular disease
Memory problems
Slow response

People who read an e-book or used a phone before bed took more than 10 to 20 minutes to fall asleep. In comparison to a person who read an ordinary printed book. Not only that but you are more likely to wake up more tired in the morning.

According to the Harvard study, those who read from a computer screen or smart phone before bed take more time to “wake up” completely the next day. If you ditch your phone you will slowly start noticing you will get good sleep and how fast you will sleep.

Vision Issues

Blue light can damage your retina, which in some cases can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration. Although additional research is needed, doctors are discovering that many young patients are having the same eye problems that older people tend to have due to their smartphones. Also tension in the eyes is a big problem. Laying in the dark in the night whilst using a phone can cause tension on the eyes.

So instead of being reliant on your phone to fall asleep, doctors suggest trying reading, meditation or calming music before bed to help you fall asleep.

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