Rare Photographs Of Diana, Princess Of Wales
People around the globe cherished Princess Diana, the beloved icon of her time.
Join us on a journey down memory lane as we explore some rare and captivating images that offer a deeper insight into her extraordinary life. These moments are sure to bring a smile to your face and warm your heart.
Diana and her children visited Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands in 1990, together with her sister’s children. The island was owned by Richard Branson of Virgin.

This rarely show photo was taken in 1971, while a young Diana was on vacation in Itchenor, West Sussex.

The photo below was taken during Diana’s last summer. She is seen with her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed on a boat in St. Tropez, France, jumping into the water.

Barbour is still a popular royal apparel brand, although Princess Diana may have worn it best. Diana adored Barbour, and her journey to the Outer Hebrides in Scotland in 985 was the ideal occasion to wear her Barbour-style waxed cotton jacket.

Princess Diana and Michael Jackson on July 16th, 1988 at Jackson’s concert at Wembley Stadium for the Bad tour. An article wrote, Princess Diana had asked Michael Jackson if he was playing ‘Dirty Diana “. He told her that out of respect , he wasn’t singing that , to that she responded that was her ‘favorite’

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