Photos That Prove Children Have The Purest Hearts
People need to take note from these children. They may not be very old, but it just goes to show at such a young age their hearts are pure. They are blessed with such innocence, that they don’t hesitate to help those in need. Check out these heart warming photos below…. Proof a helping hand doesn’t need to be big in size
1.This little girl noticed the character was crying, so quickly went to wipe away his tears.

2.These brave boys banded together to rescue this little puppy stuck in the storm drain

3.She may just be little and not very strong herself, but she is more than willing to help this statue.

5.A rabbit statue showing a little rabbit needing a helping hand.

6. How lovely, this little boy just stopped to help this man in a wheel chair get down the curb.

You’ve just read, Photos That Prove Children Have The Purest Hearts. Why not read Obituary for the “death of common sense”.