Photos Of People Having A Worse Day Than You
We have all had bad days, weeks or months before, but sometimes it is not as bad as we think. Here are people that are having a much worse day then we are. It’s safe to say lady luck isn’t on their side.
1.This person was confused when thy dropped their toothbrush and it didn’t sound like it hit the floor

2.Imagine spending hours looking everywhere for your Ipad only to realise you’d left it on your car roof and its got wet in the rain

3.Oh dear, someones in the bad books.

4. This dog seemed to enjoy chewing up $300 headphones, you couldn’t stay angry for long at that face!

5.Oh boy, hope this person wasn’t looking forward to their drink too much. These cups are so flimsy

6. This person lost their wallet, after 3 days they finally gave up and ordered new cards and then found it down the side of their chair

7.This one is just brilliant! Poor girl.

You’ve just read,Photos Of People Having A Worse Day Than You. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.