People Who Probably Wish They Had Called in Sick To Work
Having to get up and go to work even on a good day sucks. If we could call in sick and stay in bed all day, or on the sofa without any consequences then it’s safe to say most of us would. Some of these people down below are having a disastrous day, I bet they wish they had skipped work that day.
1.Someone is probably getting fired after accidently spilling a load of concrete onto a parked car

2.This lady definitely didn’t mean to open the camera on this work call

3.After seeing the mess on the floor, we can only imagine the state of the person whose footprints are left

4.I wonder what previously happened to lead to this point… either way we feel incredibly bad for this poor guy

5.Someone is definitely having a bad hair day after this

6.Imagine getting into work and finding a bat curled up in your headset

You’ve just read, People Who Probably Wish They Had Called in Sick To Work. Why not read Lady Accidentally Farts In A Car Showroom.