People Who Are Still Haunted by Their Most Embarrassing Moments
Story 1
I was meeting my fiancé’s parents for the first time. His father awkwardly avoided looking at my chest. His mother smirked and said, “Well, my son is a lucky man!” I wanted to punch her. But when I got home and undressed, I froze in shock. I noticed that I had put my sweater on inside out, and the price sticker was still stuck to the fabric. I had spent the entire evening unknowingly wearing a walking wardrobe malfunction. No wonder his parents were acting so weird!
Story 2
“I was matched with a temp job with a high-end real estate firm in my area several months back. During my initial interview with the office controller, she informed me that she and Emily (one of the head agents) were both pregnant and actually had the same due date. Turns out there were two agents named Emily. I didn’t meet the pregnant one first, I just met the other one. My ‘Congratulations’ and inquiries about her name were not well received. I’m blushing just thinking about it.” © HPenderwaal3 / Reddit
Story 3
“The time when, at age 9, when I marched up to my best friend Becky’s mom and said, ‘Becky isn’t adopted! Joe just said that she was adopted!’ (Joe was her older brother). Becky’s mom just stood there, awkwardly, then said it was time for me to go home. Turns out Becky was adopted. Her parents hadn’t told her yet. I have no idea why her brother felt the need to tell me and not his sister.” © MsAlign / Reddit
Story 4
“I started a new job last October; on my first day, I was not aware of the company’s seating arrangements, and so simply took the first seat that appeared to be vacant. Turns out I had stolen my soon-to-be boss’s seat, and he was too polite to tell me.The next day, I sat back down in the same place; my boss finally decided it was time to introduce himself, if only to redeem his stolen seat. He came up and said, ‘Hi, I’m your boss, and that’s my seat’, whereupon, mortified, I proceeded to blabber incoherent apologies and pleasantries. To add insult to injury, I managed to get his name wrong. All in all, not a great start.” © Capt_Carrot / Reddit
Story 5
“I met a lovely girl at a party several years ago and we really hit it off. After about 30 minutes of conversation and flirting, it came up in conversation that I went to the same middle school as her (the party wasn’t in the same city as the middle school).We went back and forth telling stories about that school, and after a few rounds came back to me talking about the nastiest teacher I have ever had. One day the teacher brought in a guitar and sang folk songs as a treat to the students (I know that actually sounds like a nice thing to do but trust me this was the most evil teacher). We all laughed at her, and she stopped playing. That was the short version of the story I told the girl. The last thing the cute girl said to me was, “Yeah, I remember that. My mom came home and wouldn’t stop crying.” © Unknown author / Reddit
Story 6
“I had just moved to a new town and was getting on the bus to go to school. This particular bus was packed so every seat was filled (often had people standing). I sat down next to a girl in one of those two seaters — she was against the window. She starts to go on about what she did last night for like a good ten minutes. I’m just sitting there nodding, reacting to what she says and paying attention. After this goes on for a while I figure I should at this point introduce myself, ‘Oh hey btw my name is Vinny!’ ‘…I was talking to my friend in the seat across from you.’ I turned away and stared at the floor in the aisle. It was a long bus ride…” © ThaBigSKi / Reddit
Story 7
“I have a friend who’s a social worker and was interviewing for a job. The interviewer was an African-American woman with a picture of MLK Jr. on the wall behind her. He sat down and said, ‘That’s a nice-looking man, is that your husband?’ Somehow he actually got that job.” © bartink / Reddit
Story 8
“10 years ago, I was crushing on a girl in freshman year. She was standing around with mutual friends and I knew her name was Monica, but we had never actually met. I walked up to her and introduced myself, saying, “Hi, I’m Monica.” © steveilee / Reddit
You’ve just read,People Who Are Still Haunted by Their Most Embarrassing Moments. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.