People Trying To Sell Mirrors Is My New Favourite Thing
Who even knew that this was a thing? On Reddit there is a whole thread dedicated to ‘Mirrors for sale’. And to be honest we didn’t realise how funny it would be. Some of the posts are just down right weird, some a bit too bizarre to show. So we gathered some of the more tame ones. People are so obviously trying to avoid being in the mirrors reflect while taking the picture, so instead of just owning it and posing, they are going to extremes to hide, with hilarious results!
1.Possibly one of the funniest we came across. This person came up with the genius idea of covering themselves with a cover while taking the picture. Basically turning themselves into a cartoon ghost.

2.We came across many many many photos of people peaking their phones out from the side of the mirror in the hopes to not been seen. While it might be successful, the photo is just funny to see.

3.This man wasn’t so concerned with hiding his face, but the way the mirror has cut off his legs has hilarious consequences. Never the less that didn’t seem to bother him when he still went ahead with this picture as the best one to show off the mirror for sale.

3.Another hand poking out, but this time from behind a almost closed door. I am sure it seemed a good idea.

4.This lady didn’t check her surroundings before taking a picture. She has managed to include her dog, and someone else who seem not to realise the photo is being taking.

5. We admire his effort in sucking in his stomach to try and avoid the photo. Sadly he hasn’t quite managed to evade the mirror. Good effort though!

6. Another great hand sticking out from above. What makes this funny is that it makes their arm appear rather strange and long.

You’ve just read, People Trying To Sell Mirrors. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.