Parents Having A Pretty Miserable Day Part 2
We’ve said it once and we will say it again, parenting is hard work! IT IS NOT for the faint hearted! Despite being so small (and cute looking) these little devils can unleash hells amount of trouble for their parents. If you enjoyed Part One then sit back and get ready for even MORE hilarious times where kids made their parents’ day really miserable!
1.’Whisky on the Lego Blocks’ instead of on the Rocks

2.Oh dear, I’d be looking to move house ASAP

3.This is what happens when kids are left unsupervised with markers and you have dog willing to participate

4.If it fits…. then it goes down the drain

5.We don’t have the background on how the kid got up there,
but we just love how the man on the ground is standing by a sign saying ‘PLAN B’

6.A classic conversation after a child has purchased something online they shouldn’t have….

You’ve just read, Parents Having A Pretty Miserable Day Part 2. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.