Never sing in the shower.

never sing in the shower

Never sing in the shower. Singing leads to dancing, dancing leads to slipping and slipping leads to paramedics seeing you naked.
So remember… Don’t sing!

Does anyone else belt out tunes in the shower as if they are on x factor?! I love doing karaoke in the shower. No one can hear or judge, and you can let out all the emotions. Singing is actually quite therapeutic for me. If i’m happy I can dance along to something up beat, or if I’m having a down day, a love ballad is my cry along to music. I don’t get how people never sing in the shower!?

Another thing I like to do in the shower, apart from washing, is debating all of life’s great mysteries. A shower really helps me clear my head. I can just be stood under the running water, thinking away. Then when you come out refreshed and have all the problems sorted out better in my mind.

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