Naughty corner.

Naughty corner

When I’m in the naughty corner, I don’t spend my time thinking about what I have done wrong…
I plan how to do it next time without getting caught.

Is this not completely true for when you was a little kid. You’d be put in time out and told to stay there until you had thought about what you had done and say sorry. Well I can tell you as a mischeivious child that they are definitely not doing that. When I was put in the naughty corner I’d be scheming about how to do it better next time and how I could get away with it.

Even now when I am put in the hypothetical ‘naughty corner’. It is now called the dog house for men when they are old enough. I definelty do not sit there feeling bad. Of course I may be sorry. But more often than not; I am defintely thinking about what to do next time and how to get away with it.

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