Could you take a guess at the Most Popular sites on the Internet in May 2020?
It may come as no surprise but a lot of us have been spending more time browsing the internet recently. That is on top of the fact that we already spent an enormous amount of spare time on technology anyway. A huge number of people around the world are living their lives online. Kids are growing up knowing about smart phones and tablets. They can easily navigate around technology sometimes before they can even walk! As young children, we are always debating screen time and how much is too much. Then teens are renowned for being glued to their phones, never putting them down. So as the world has been in unprecedented times it is interesting to see if it has brought about a change. Have we put down our technology to reconnect with family, or have the numbers soared?
So here we can reveal the Most Popular sites on the Internet in May 2020!

Unsurprisingly we can see here Google is the most popular site. YouTube comes in second, and Facebook comes in third. Twitter and Instagram did not have much in it and come in fourth and fifth. These of course are the main social media outlets and the supreme search engine.
Looking further into what the statistics show. The AVERAGE visit duration was nearly double for YouTube ( at 21 mins) compared to Google ( 11 mins). Which again isn’t the greatest shock as we all can relate to getting lost on YouTube and end up watching some random cat videos.
So I hope that you have found this interesting. Did you guess right, or was you shocked something else wasn’t further up the list?
Photo credit – Pixaby