Man Goes To A Bakery To Order A Birthday Cake For His Wife

Man Goes To A Bakery To Order A Birthday Cake For His Wife

Man Goes To A Bakery To Order A Birthday Cake For His Wife …But What Happens Next Is Priceless

A man wants to celebrate his wife’s birthday by organizing a party.

So he goes to order a birthday cake.

The salesman asks him what message he wants to put on the cake.

Well he thinks for a while and says: let’s put,

“You are not getting older you are getting better.”

The salesman asks “How do you want me to put it?”

The man says, well put “You are not getting older”, at the top and “You are getting better” at the bottom.

The real fun didn’t start until the cake was opened the entire party watched the message decorated on the cake:

“You are not getting older at the top, you are getting better at the bottom”.

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