20 Life Pleasures That Are Completely Underrated. Number 4 is so accurate!
1. Lying in bed on a stormy morning and not having to get up.
2. When someone you’re interested in scratches you softly.
3. When something stuck between your teeth finally gets out.
4. The moment you see the waiter/waitress approaching on the horizon with your food.
5. Opening up your windows after a long, cold winter. When the breeze brings the smell of flowers and fresh mowed grass into your bedroom.
6. That little window of time where you’re lying in bed awake just on the precipice where you could fall back asleep for another hour or two if you wanted, and then you realize you can.
7. Being finished with something you really dread doing. It’s a huge weight off your mind and a sense of accomplishment rolled into one.
8. After a weekend away, going number 2 in your own bathroom.
9. When you’re able to genuinely make another person(s) laugh.
10. Waking up feeling rested. It happens so rarely, that when it does you feel like you can take anything on that day.
Read more… 20 Life Pleasures
11. Having a fresh-from-the-dryer load of laundry thrown on top of you.
12. When you have had water in your ear all day, and then that nice fuzzy moment when the lukewarm water leaves your ear.
13. Having the song on the radio finish at the exact instant you pull into your driveway and turn off the car.
14. Hearing that gentle crumbly sound your vacuum makes when it picks something up.
15. Fresh sheets on your bed.
16. Laughing. We do it all the time but I think we take it for granted how pleasurable it actually is.
17. First gulp of water after walking home on a hot day.
18. Taking skiing boots off after a long day in the mountains.
19. Taking off cold wet socks and putting on dry new ones.
20. Going to bed after taking a shower.
Photo credit – Pexels from Pixabay
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