Life is a high way.

Life is a high way

‘Life is a high way’, I obviously took the dirt road.

I’m not exactly complaining. As I am sure that many people have it much much worse. But when it comes to the saying ‘life is a high way’ I definitely didn’t get the memo. Because rather than the smooth open roads of a high way, My life has been a road of ups and downs, lumps and bumps, and huge pot holes. Basically I think I must have tookk the dirt road. Because it has not been smoothing riding at all.

Then again who wants an easy ride. ( ME I DO) It would be boring if life was just straight forward with no twists and turns along the way. We’d just go about our days and never have any challenges to test us. As humans we need these tests and trials to grow as people. So I am glad that I took the dirt road. Even if it is literally a pain in the bum at times all the bumps. It makes getting to the destination all that more rewarding because you’ve worked hard to get there.

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