I’ve made mistakes.

I've made mistakes

Yes, I’ve made mistakes. But you know what? Life didn’t come with instructions.

There is one thing that is equal for all of us that come into this life. None of us are given instructions. Sure people can give you advice, and they sure do try and tell you how to live your life. But at the end of the day, your life is your own. So what’s right for someone may not fit for someone else. We are all bought up so differently around the world. But when the world doesn’t give you instructions, then of course things don’t go to plan. To be honest, even if we was given instructions, I doubt half of us would read them anyway. When we are given advice we sometimes like to think we know better and ignore it. Or we think the person is trying to be controlling or doing it to annoy us.

So yes, I’ve made mistakes. But that should not be a big issue. Because guess what, we all make mistakes! None of us are perfect. We are all learning and growing. So as long as you are doing both those things while making mistakes, then don’t feel bad. Don’t judge me for my mistakes. I wasn’t given instructions.

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