Ironic Signs That Are Just Hilariously Bad Part 2

Ironic Signs That Are Just Hilariously Bad Part 2

Ironic Signs That Are Just Hilariously Bad Part 2

1.I guess this delivery lorry shouldn’t have tried to take a short cut under that bridge

Dwez1337 / Reddit

2.How nice of Subway to advertise for people to eat next door on their side

Jordy_fuego / Reddit

3.I guess memories do fade after all…

TheNosferatu / Reddit

4.Shame they didn’t use their expertise to make a ‘modern neon sign’ for their own sign

MasonManDudePro12Pro / Reddit

5.And I guess we will never know what vital information was missed that day!

yeahumsure / Reddit

6.There is only one Morgan except for the other Morgan on this sign too?

piles_petko / Reddit

Photo Credit – radiofan122 / Reddit

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