Inconsiderate Plane Passengers That Made Flying Unbearable

Inconsiderate Plane Passengers

Inconsiderate Plane Passengers That Made Flying Unbearable

Flying can be a stressful experience for many people. Airports are chaos in general with the long queues at check in, the robust security checks, and mad rush at boarding to get on the aircraft. So it isn’t usually until you are seated on the plane when you can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy the journey to your destination.

However as shown in these pictures, some people have had their experience made unbearable thank to these inconsiderate and frankly rude people. Check out some of the worst passengers caught on camera.

1.Eww nobody wants to fly on a plane that smells of sweaty feet

2.This guy deserves a medal for putting up with that.

3.Yuck some people are just so gross!

4.In this case he is not in the mood for caring or sharing.

5.If only scissors were allowed on the plane.

6.Would be great to see if the flight attendants crashed into his legs.

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