I always knew I would get old.

always knew I would get old

I always knew I would get old. How fast it happened was a bit of a surprise though.

I honetsly think time is going faster and faster. When I was young the days went by so slowly. Summers were endless and people an adult seemed so far away. But then I hit my twenties and it was like, wow slow down. Then the thirties flew round and basically before I could blink I reach old age. It’s just crazy how fast it come about. Don’t get me wrong, I knew it would happen. It was just the speed that shocked me. Like one minute I was young and care free, then the next I’m getting excited over a new hoover and feeling dizzy when I stand up too quick. The days go by so quick as well know. Like there just isn’t enough hours in the day to get all the jobs done. I’m running around doing everything then before I know it it’s time for bed. Is there something wrong with my clock? Did I miss something? Did they shorten the hours in the day without telling me. I’m sure I am not the only one who feels this way? Was anyone else shocked by how fast this old age caught up with them.

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