Humorous Pictures Of Petty Revenge
Here are some brilliantly funny pictures from people who proved that the saying ‘revenge is better served on a cold plate’ is true.
1.Just so they can let the person know once and for all, they are not sorry

2.The customers were not happy with the waiter’s service, so decided to leave the tip in a glass filled with water

3.A prime example of why you should never steal other people’s food or drinks

4.This big brother got the ultimate revenge on his little sister by hiding her project among the 48 folders.

5.This guy seems fed up with his classmates’ laziness and has the best payback

6.For all the parents out there that say ‘I don’t know’ what they want to eat… a bowl full of IDK

You’ve just read, Humorous Pictures Of Petty Revenge. Why not read Confused Teacher Gets Frustrated By Student’s Dumb Answers.