Horrendously Bad Bridesmaid Dress Choices

Horrendously Bad Bridesmaid Dress Choices

Horrendously Bad Bridesmaid Dress Choices

We gave you Horrendously Bad Vintage Bridesmaid Dress Choices but now we are back with some more up to date fashion disasters. While we appreciate everyone will have a different opinion, and thankfully we all have different tastes (else life would be boring otherwise) it’s hard not to admit most of these were bad choices!

1.There is such a thing as too many ruffles and these are a perfect example

2.I hope that these were part of a Christmas themed wedding?!

3.These champaign dresses are giving tinfoil vibes

4.These outfits are very daring, and probably not appropriate for a church wedding

5.These are some very brightly coloured dresses, with a LOT of volume…

6.All that lace looks like it’s straight out of the boudoir

Photo Credit – Unknown

You’ve just read, Horrendously Bad Bridesmaid Dress Choices. Why not read Lady Accidentally Farts In A Car Showroom.