Hilarious Pictures Of People Standing Awkwardly In Public Will Make You Laugh
Almost everyday you come across something peculiar, especially if your out in public. While most of the time its easy to ignore these strange interactions, sometimes its just too bizarre not to share with the whole internet. That’s where peoplestanding comes in. There is an Instagram account created solely made for sharing photos of people standing awkwardly in public places. We have collected a few of what we deem the best pics for you to enjoy. These funny pictures guarantee to make you laugh your head off.
1.This teacher would get top grades for how to stand in the most awkward position.

2.Gravity doesn’t apply to this guy

3.This teacher is spreading more than just knowledge

4.This policeman has such a power stance.

5.Getting those squats in.

6.This ladies balance is ridiculously impressive

7.Multi-tasking at its finest, doing the splits while down the dairy aisle.

8.She is technically standing behind the line

Source – Instagram
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