Hilarious ‘Cat Shaming’ Photos
We have all seen some brilliant dog shaming photos going around the internet.We even did our own post on some brilliant Dog Shaming Notes. But now things have escalated, and cat shaming is the new in thing. Here are a variety of cats that have been super naughty, and their owners have had enough. In true shaming style their owners have written a note saying what their cats have done wrong, and have taken a picture of their cat beside it. Some of these are just brilliant!
1.”I beat up the dog now every time he sees me he cries for help. All the dogs in the neighbourhood are scared of me.”
2. “Mommy’s boyfriend JUST moved in. I threw up on his laptop and shoes. Welcome to the family.”
3. “I fart on Mummy’s face when she’s lying on the couch and then run away”
4.”I nibble (bite) my hooman’s leg if she doesn’t give me snackies, works every time. You should try it!”
5.”I try to pass off 3 day old flattened road kill as my own catch”
6.”I sneezed in my Mom’s mouth while she was giving me kisses…And I don’t feel bad about it”
You’ve just read, Hilarious ‘Cat Shaming’ Photos. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.