Have A Cat They Said …It Will Be Fun
Cats are brilliantly funny creatures, everyday they do something to make you laugh. However here are pictures that prove while they might be amazing, some of the time they just take it too far. (It’s still funny though!)
1.This cat clearly didn’t appreciate the time the owners were spending on the puzzle instead of giving it attention. So the only thing to do was push the puzzle onto the floor!

2.Not much you can do about food hygiene when cats are about. This kitten found its way into a fresh bread bag

3.Cats may act like they don’t want to be petted, but here is another clear example of a cat going wild after the owners attention is being taken away by technology.

4.This cat obviously doesn’t appreciate the fine art. We just love the look on it’s face after it realises its been caught moving the frames.

5.No matter what you do, they will find a way to sit on anything precious to you. The cake is not safe anywhere!

6.Thankfully the cat isn’t bothered by the bunny, it’s just interested in stealing it’s cage to show it whose boss.

Source – Epicstotle
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