16 Funny Shaped Fruits And Vegetables
Not long ago we complied a list of The Most Seductive Vegetables where vegetables had seemingly grown out of hand and into some very provocative shape. Here you can see that it is not just seductive poses they can be compared to, here are some fruit and veg in lots of different weird and wonderful shapes.
1.This aubergine has a very life-like face along with a 3D nose and a little bit of hair where the stalk is.

2. Aww this straw-bear-y is so cute, couldn’t possibly eat this little bear.

3.I have heard of granny apples, but this apple literally looks like a granny

4. Another bear creation, this time a teddy bear potato. Its spud-tacular

5.These bell peppers looked terrified of something…

6.This squash looks very bird like, especially with the stem as the beak.

7.Another bird, but this time there is no mistaking this tomato as a duck.

You’ve just read, Funny Shaped Fruits And Vegetables. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.